Monday, December 22, 2014

Stuttgart Christmas Market

On the way home from Garmisch we stopped for a nice break and lunch in Stuttgart. I'm not sure if these Christmas market blogs are getting old to yall but holy crap this baby was HUGE! I wouldn't say it was my favorite or better then any of the last but this place is an all day adventure!!

There are Gluwein huts and food stops on every corner. Large, multi option food spots! The Gluwein mugs are different all over the market. I quickly found my favorite, got my drink, and deemed the mug a keepsake within the first 5 minutes of being there. Food was difficult to figure out because all the descriptions were in German. I wanted to try items other people were eating but google translate didn't help much. I pointed to some items through the glass and Antonio pointed to what the stranger next to him had just ordered. All in all everything was delicious! Antonio had a banana Nutella crepe that hit he spot for desert. My chocolate covered banana stick didn't even compare. It was good, but standard. The fresh warm crepe was hands down the best! We had potato and brats also. The skinnier brats with a nice crisp skin and fresh brotchen really hit the spot! It originally is like a 18" brat that they fold into thirds to fit into your bread roll. It tastes heavenly to carnivores like me! Unfortunately some of the food items I wanted I couldn't figure out the name to order. 

I picked up some awesome gifts at this market, mainly for myself! Hah! I love all the small cut live tree carvings! We got a small moose for the house and an owl for my friend who babysat our pride and joy, our first and only born son, Yosh. I also found a hand painted ornament similar to ones I loved in Trier. I was really excited to see several of these stands that had the hand painted ornaments and candle holders. Especially because I opted not to buy one in Trier because the crowd pressure had me making rash decisions that I regretted when I got home. But I got one now!

Overall Stuttgart Christmas market is huge and crowded. It requires an all days effort to really enjoy every aspect. I'd say the earlier to start time the better for this one. It has merchant stands for days and the center of it has about 6-8 aisles and vendors on either side but it is not the entire thing! In the corners of this main are streets full of more stands some only one sided stands. Some streets turn back to stands on both sides. It is crazy how much is going on at this one. But it is awesome and a good big Christmas market experience. There was music all over the place; kids playing their flutes, a man singing opera with his violinist by his side playing, a man turning the box that plays music. It was something new every where we walked. 

Final note: Stuttgart was massive. Haha.

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